How to count files from website directory with php script


If you manage a website or web application, there may come a time when you need to keep track of the number of files in a specific directory. Whether it's for maintenance, reporting, or simply to provide information to your users, counting files in a directory can be a valuable task. In this article, we will guide you through the process of counting files in a website directory using a PHP script.

Step 1: Specify the Directory

The first step is to specify the directory you want to count files in. This directory can be on your web server and may contain various types of files such as images, documents, or any other type of content. In your PHP script, you should set the $directory variable to the path of this directory.

$directory = 'path/to/your/directory/';

Replace 'path/to/your/directory/' with the actual path to the directory you want to count files in.

Step 2: Use the scandir() Function

To obtain a list of files and directories within the specified directory, you can use the scandir() function. This function returns an array with the directory entries.

$files = scandir($directory);

Step 3: Exclude Special Directory Entries

The scandir() function also includes special directory entries '..' and '.', which represent the parent directory and the current directory, respectively. To count only the actual files, you should exclude these entries from the list using the array_diff() function.

$files = array_diff($files, array('..', '.'));

Step 4: Count the Files

Once you have the filtered list of files, you can count them using the count() function.

$fileCount = count($files);

Step 5: Display the Count

Finally, you can display the count of files in the specified directory.

echo "There are $fileCount files in the directory: $directory";

This will provide a clear and informative message to inform you of the number of files in the directory.


Counting files in a website directory using a PHP script is a straightforward process that can be useful for various website management tasks. Whether you need to monitor your content library or provide information to your users, this script allows you to quickly and efficiently determine the number of files in a directory. With this knowledge, you can better manage your website's resources and content.

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