How to fix Direct Admin panel not showing


If the DirectAdmin control panel is not displaying correctly or not showing at all, it can be due to various issues related to the server, web server, browser, or configuration. Here are steps to diagnose and potentially fix the problem:

1. Clear Browser Cache and Cookies:

  • Cached data in your web browser can sometimes cause display issues. Clear your browser's cache and cookies, then try accessing DirectAdmin again.

2. Check the URL:

  • Verify that you are using the correct URL to access DirectAdmin. It should be in the format of (replace with your actual domain).

3. Access DirectAdmin on the Correct Port:

  • Ensure that you are accessing DirectAdmin on the correct port. The default port for DirectAdmin is 2222. Make sure you are using this port in the URL.

4. Test in a Different Browser:

  • The issue may be browser-specific. Test accessing DirectAdmin in a different web browser to see if the problem persists.

5. Check Server Status:

  • Verify that the server where DirectAdmin is installed is up and running. Ensure that the server itself is functioning correctly, and there are no server-wide issues.

6. Review Server Configuration:

  • If you have access to the server where DirectAdmin is installed, review the server's configuration. Check the DirectAdmin and web server (e.g., Apache or Nginx) settings to ensure they are correctly configured.

7. Examine SSL Certificate:

  • If you are using HTTPS to access DirectAdmin, ensure that the SSL certificate is correctly configured and has not expired.

8. Check for IP Blocking or Firewall Rules:

  • Make sure that your IP address is not blocked by the server's firewall or security rules. Check server logs for any IP blocking events.

9. Verify DirectAdmin Service:

  • Ensure that the DirectAdmin service is running on the server. You can check the status of the DirectAdmin service with the following command (for a CentOS server, for example):
  • service directadmin status

10. Restart DirectAdmin Service: - If the DirectAdmin service is running but not displaying correctly, consider restarting it to see if that resolves the issue. You can use the following command to restart the service (for CentOS): service directadmin restart

11. Review DNS Settings: - Ensure that your domain's DNS settings are correctly pointing to the server where DirectAdmin is hosted.

12. Check Firewall Rules on the Server: - Verify that there are no firewall rules on the server that are blocking access to DirectAdmin. Check the server's firewall configuration.

13. Disable Browser Extensions: - Browser extensions can sometimes interfere with the display of web pages. Disable browser extensions one by one to see if any of them are causing the issue.

14. Seek Professional Help: - If you've tried the above steps and are still unable to resolve the issue, consider seeking professional assistance from a server administrator or the DirectAdmin support team.

The specific resolution for DirectAdmin not showing or displaying incorrectly will depend on the underlying issue. It's essential to review server settings, DNS configuration, and browser settings to identify and address the problem.

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